Thursday, March 7, 2013

Have you got the right perspective?

‎'Why do Christians who earnestly desire everything that God has for them, never receive the blessings promised to them?
The answer: they await and strive after a reward for their service, but because they are heirs, the Father can never give them as a REWARD, what belongs to them as a BIRTHRIGHT!'

Man's primary call is to be reconciled; find rest in His reconciliation and discover true identity which is already existent IN CHRIST.

Holy Spirit will take us on His journey for us (almost always brewing within us as desire).
We are not primarily called to discover "our purpose in life" - this ambitious mentality has crushed many young believers. Believers who burn with desire, but since they are not informed and discipled to walk in the Spirit, they pursue the "ministry" and not the Maker. Is there a journey mapped out for us? Yes there is, but HE wants to take us on it.

It's interesting, in this regard, that Jesus Himself (a man whose purpose was dripping with prophetic confirmation) only spent 11% of His life fulfilling His "calling" (at least as our modern day church culture would recognize it to be).

Despite the anticipation and desperation in all of creation for one man to fulfill His ministry and calling...there He was, throughout His entire twenties...carving stuff out of wood.

Many adamant believers (ironically in their twenties) have "backslidden" from "ministry".
Because they were discipled to believe that "carpentry" is a selfish waste of time; that they are called to perform a responsibility that supersedes their selfish desires.

Are we then to leave people to their own desires without a care in the world? No. But are we to force people onto our desires? No.

Lead people. Not merely according to biblical principles, but offer them something better - a personal encounter with God...a gift of personal relationship where they are free to walk, and respond to Christ, and this not as our next series entitled "Walking with Christ" or "living by the Spirit", but as a lifestyle of faith and rest. Knowing that the good we increasingly desire as we are lead by the Spirit of grace and truth, is the good God desires.

Let's sow the seeds and water with love, but let Him bring the growth. It's what He so wants to do.

Grace and love to you!

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