Thursday, March 7, 2013


‎"Balanced grace" is a denial of the gospel. Balanced with *what?* Law? Personal responsibility? Moral behavior? By nature, grace is unilateral. Grace is the pure expression of the Father's agape delivered to us through His Son and experienced in His Spirit. Beware of warnings that "grace must be kept in balance" because what comes next is likely to disavow true grace altogether - Steve McVey

The skewed theology of Grace being balanced with anything is the element that confuses much of the church. The logic around that reasoning calls for people to leave grace for a moment in order to find the "missing piece" that completes it - it happened when Paul preached the pure gospel of Gods grace, and it's happening today too.
Nowhere in scripture is there the sharing of tension between Gods grace with anything else, not even faith.
This tension between Grace and faith is not biblical. It's 100% grace and it's 100% faith - i.e 100% God's favour and 100% us trusting that it's God's favour. It's at this point when true, peace-filled productivity begins to reveal itself (as a FRUIT).
I love what Charles Spurgeon says, "We hold that man is never so near grace as when he begins to feel he can do nothing at all."

The arm wrestle evident in scripture is between faith and works, not faith and grace...and faith is the product of 2 sources:
1) A gift from God (each is given a measure).
2) Renewing our minds with the gospel of His grace.

Faith is a response to His Grace, not the completion of it.

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