Friday, March 5, 2010

From a Horses Mouth!

I recently had a very inspiring conversation with a new believer - a young gentleman who has been exposed to Christianity in a religious context before, but who has only recently started to truly personalise the love and goodness of God towards himself.

His reason for this fresh outlook towards God (and life), did not come through reading hours of course material, or counselling sessions regarding sin in his life.
In fact, if I can remember correctly, he said something along the lines of, "the more I hear people at church I've started going to, carrying on about how Jesus died for ME...ME! The more excited I become..." (something along those lines).

Bearing in mind this young man does not come out of a time of "studying God's grace", he is a real life product of it (like each of us are).He went on to say the most profound thing afterwards, he said, "the more I think about how much God loves me, the more I want to resemble His character".

Un-freaken believable!
The grace of God has effect!

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