Monday, December 21, 2009

Grace misunderstood

Although many have suffered due to preaching the grace of God, It is actually sad how the preaching of the grace of God has become a contentious issue (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, you have heaps of resources from the many persecutions Jesus and Paul faced, right through to current preaching of the power and effectiveness of God's grace, and His grace alone).

Everyone who considers themselves a Christian (a follower of Christ), cannot deny that God is a good and kind God who, through Jesus Christ His only Son, portrayed the ultimate act of kindness in order that we would become heirs of all His riches in glory - and joint heirs with Christ. If anyone denies this, then they are either not a Christian, or they may understand only enough to know that Jesus paid the price to forgive sins, but they forget that every spiritual blessing has been given to us in Christ, and that every promise of blessing and goodness made by God has been answered a resounding "Yes!" through Jesus Christ as well.

The problem is that many are professing to be Christian based on their own goodness towards God...what is that about? (Sorry about the sarcasm, but really!) - our own goodness, God says, is actually like filthy rags to Him, and that's wonderful because it takes all the pressure off of us.

Although becoming born again is a once-off decision to believe in the gospel of Christ and receive Him as personal Lord and Saviour, our transformation and access to His abundant riches in glory happens through the constant renewing of our mind.
Renewing it with what, you might ask. It's the constant reminder of God's goodness towards us through Jesus that we need, as opposed to the world that says "perform to succeed", and satan who constantly accuses us of how unworthy we are (which is true in our own strength, but in Christ we are as worthy as He is).

It is the kindness and goodness of God that leads one to repentance (Romans 2:4), and repentance does not mean self-adjustment of behaviour, but actually a complete change of mind from whatever theories and opinions we might have, to the actual goodness and kindness of God towards us that leads to repentance.

We are not urged to change our behaviour, we are encouraged to renew our minds, and out of this place the fruits of good works will flow.

So, the grace of God is not a "contentious" issue by nature, it's simply a misunderstood one. Because when understood and accepted, it will lead to repentance.


  1. I like this bru. The outstanding nature of grace that liberates those bound by religion is often aggressivly fought by the spirit behind those same people.
    If the goodness of God is what leads us to repentantce (to change our minds about Gods attitude towards us), then those who are being perecuted by such, must (and probably will!!) respond in a way representing such amazing grace and goodness.


  2. Hi Troy

    What I think is even sadder, is that some 'grace preachers' point fingers at other 'grace preachers' and one says the other is not preaching the 'full' grace message or a 'faulty' grace message.

    To quote Nicky Cruz from the Cross and the Switchblade,

    "I really don't get this at all"

    but then again, is it really persecution of a message being preached or rather is it man's pride (and need for control) that causes the problem?

    I look forward to the day, when we can look beyond theology and love each other as Jesus loved us, so that they know we are His disciples.

  3. I like your perspective Dan, and I agree with you 100%. My point is exactly that - Grace is never contentious. It's impossible for Grace to be the cause of persecution - the sheer nature of God's grace is it being a channel of abundantly good and free blessings from our Father, which Jesus has already paid for...soaked in His Love for us. How on earth can this cause persecution (and that amongst "believers" themselves...unbelievers at large aren't fighting this battle...ironic hey)?

    Your observation is very correct, it's not the message, it is man's pride and need for control (which i believe comes from a lack of revelation of God's grace, and leads to a fear in having to confront the fact of having been wrong all this time - it's not easy having to change one's doctrinal beliefs after "serving" God with scew theology for so many years...yet it is actually easy...when we understand God's Grace and love).

    Nice one Dan the Man!
