Thursday, June 25, 2015

Persevere in Hope

Hope is the only defense that will keep death from crushing you. Hope in an eternal glory - eternity passed; eternity future.
A new cannot comprehend!
This life is no doubt an emotional introduction to eternal glory.
We hurt, we cry, we laugh, we overflow with's a glorious 'hell of a ride'.
We meet some who make it worth the effort; we meet some who inspire regret.
Rest assured, The creator waits, with childlike ecstasy, to embrace His bride.
Some have crossed the line. They have left us with a burdened heart that beats heavily before our eyes close each night, but they smile. They smile. They smile. THEY SMILE.
There is no more pain.
New is being prepared...For you. Oh you have NO idea!
Whilst we are here, Love will ALWAYS create new and lasting memories.
Yesterday's memories may hurt like hell, love confirms it!
But today belongs to tomorrow's memories, don't spoil that.
Christ's love (encountered through our fellow man) is the GREATEST remedy for restoration, for hope lost.
Letting people in to the deepest parts, is the most vulnerable act of trust. It opens you up and exposes you. It is where the seed of love best grows.

Friday, June 12, 2015


 "Accountability leads to pretense not freedom as people posture for the acceptance of others. The life of the church is based on love, service and encouragement where people are free to be authentic, to ask the questions that are on their heart and to discover the transforming power of Jesus that actually frees us from sin by the work he does. Our concern for each other’s brokenness and our honesty with people caught in sin is best expressed in love, not by trying to hold others accountable" - The God Journey